Regional Tech Hub

The Regional Tech Hub provides free, personalised, independent advice and support on internet, phone and mobile options for anyone living and working in rural, regional, and remote Australia. By looking at your location and topography, and understanding your requirements and budget, we can help you to understand all of the connectivity options available to you. […]
Accommodation – Bencubbin

Two-bedroom unfurnished unit available in Bencubbin. Priority given to seniors and those living with a disability, however we also consider applications from those on very low or low incomes or workers (*conditions apply). For further information, please email or visit our website www.ce to complete an application.
Merredin Community Resource Centre (CRC)

Pingrup Community Resource Centre

The Western Australian Community Resource Network is comprised of over 100 CRCs throughout the state. There are currently 41 in the Wheatbelt. At a CRC you can access local information, public computers, print documents, access video conferencing meetings and attend training and education workshops. The WACRN is supported by the Department of Primary Industries and […]
Rural West FREECALL number – 1800 612 004- Email: Amanda McLean: BSc; BCom; DipCommServ (FinCouns); GAICD Small Business & Rural Financial Counsellor 0429 986 181 Michael Harries: ExecCertAgribus; DipCommServ (FinCouns) Small Business & Rural Financial Counsellor National Registration Number -FC654 0428 178 342 Roger Tonkin: BAgribus Small Business & Rural Financial Counsellor (FC 20239) […]
Quairading Community Resource Centre

✸ Workshops & Events ✸ Local Info & Newsletters ✸ Printing & WiFi We are a team of enthusiastic locals providing our community with resources. We’re a not-for-profit organisation contracted and partly funded by the Department of Regional Development to provide a range of services and to assist personal, community, economic and business development. We […]
Goomalling Community Resource Centre

Goomalling Community Centre offers a wide range of services including Printing, Internet Access, Computer Access, Library Access, Centrelink, Room Hire and more.