Corrigin Community Resource Centre

Established in 1998 (formerly Corrigin Telecentre), the Corrigin Community Resource Centre (CRC) is a friendly, locally run centre offering a range of useful pay for service products for our community and visitors to Corrigin.

We have computer and wireless internet access as well as offer secretarial services such as printing, photocopying, faxing, scanning, laminating, binding, colour photo printing, technical assistance and more!

We have comfortable and functional meeting rooms for hire as well as a free co-working space. We offer community education, training and events as well as government information and referral services that would otherwise not be available within the town site. 

We are also home to the Corrigin Library, Toy Library and Corrigin Tourism Centre. We are located in the heart of town, next to the Shire of Corrigin office building with plenty of off-road parking.

The Western Australian Community Resource Network is comprised of over 100 CRCs throughout the state.  There are currently 41 in the Wheatbelt. At a CRC you can access local information, public computers, print documents, access video conferencing meetings and attend training and education workshops.  The WACRN is supported by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) and is funded by the State government through Royalties for Regions – (