When you need a lawyer to work with you, you need someone that can give you advice that is on point, practical and based from experience gained over many years. They also need to understand the realties of working and raising families in the Wheatbelt. At Cullen Macleod, our lawyers are real people, highly skilled and experienced, who understand that the services we provide are just one part of making our clients’ lives and businesses more successful. Several of our lawyers have backgrounds in and around regional WA, and we regularly come to the Wheatbelt to meet clients and provide information sessions.
We also have an alliance with Taylor, Nott & Molinari in Katanning and will be in Katanning regularly. Our 18 specialist lawyers can help you across most areas that affect you and your business in the Wheatbelt, including employment issues, property transactions, will & succession planning (for your families and your businesses), family law, and all other areas of business and commercial law (such as business agreements, buying and selling businesses, contractor and retail contracts etc). We also have a large dispute resolution team that can assist you when things get difficult and you find yourself tied up (or heading for) a dispute (eg you’ve provided the product and the customer just won’t pay). You can find out about us here: https://www.cullenmacleod.com.au/ and https://www.linkedin.com/company/1094231/admin/
We provide clear advice, in direct, normal human language, knowing that you need to spend time on your family and business, not with lawyers. If you do need some help however, we would love to meet you and have a chat about any way we can help. If you would like to get in contact you can call (9389 3999) or email (cmacleod@cullenmacleod.com.au) and we can organise to catch up by phone, video-conference or face to face when we are next in your area.