How The WBN Can Help Your Business

The WBN brings practical experience and a genuine willingness to see businesses, ideas, projects and solutions be implemented to help Wheatbelt business communities be successful.

The WBN board and staff live in and understand how the region ‘ticks’ and we have a strong desire to help the businesses we work with, using our experiences, partners, knowledge and networks. The Wheatbelt Business Network is a member driven, incorporated business association in the Wheatbelt of Western Australia that support businesses in the Wheatbelt to create a thriving region where people want to be.

Call us today on 9041 0100

Purchase WBEA2024 Tickets

Tickets On-Sale Now!


Join us on Saturday, 19th October 2024, for the Wheatbelt Business Excellence Awards, an evening dedicated to honouring the outstanding achievements, innovation, and resilience of the Wheatbelt business community.

This prestigious event will provide exceptional opportunities for networking and celebrating excellence in business. Join us for a night of inspiration, recognition, and exceptional networking opportunities!

Wheatbelt Business Excellence Awards 2024

Cummins Theatre
31 Bates St, Merredin WA 6415
From 6pm

Phone & Support

Phone check-ins & business support from the WBN Team. We check-in on you to see how you are travelling and WBN members can call any of our team for advise and support.

Discounted Tickets

Discounted tickets to WBN events, training days and workshops saving you money. Your membership can pay for itself by attending only a few events.

Networking Events

Business After Hours and online networking to broaden your business network and knowledge.


Regular WBN E-News to your inbox full of important business news and updates. We do the work sorting through the noise so you get the information you need!

Business Listing

Comprehensive business listing on the WBN website's business directory to make you stand out from the crowd - Improves your web site SEO and gets your business found!

A Huge Network

Use the Facebook group and web site groups to connect with other members from throughout the region. A great problem solving resource!

Facebook Group

Access to our members only Facebook discussion group to keep up-to-date with timely information and leverage the groups knowledge to help your business grow.


Regular online workshops and information sessions you can attend from the comfort of your office. Led by industry professionals and tailored to suit Wheatbelt businesses.

More ways we can help your business thrive...

CCIWA Employee

Wheatbelt Business
Network Directory

WBN Events and

Online Dashboard of Resources

Supporting Wheatbelt Businesses

We are a passionate, dedicated group that are committed to connecting, supporting, and growing business in the Wheatbelt.

Search For Jobs In The Wheatbelt

Wheatbelt Jobs

The WBN Jobs Board is a resource for businesses throughout the Wheatbelt to use to find staff from within and outside the Wheatbelt.

About Us

WBN About Us

Our Mission

We aim to work proactively with members to grow their business and their communities while creating a positive atmosphere through professional development, business support, networking events, and economic development initiatives.

Meet Our Latest WBN Members

Our Latest News

Testimonials By Our Members

Shire of Narembeen

The real winner is the Wheatbelt and the amazing work the WBN team do to support this vast, beautiful and unique part of Western Australia and the world.

Chris Jackson

Shire of Narembeen

Muresk Intitute

Just wanted to congratulate you on your latest eNews around all the COVID-19 updates. There is such a

plethora of information out there and you have managed to pop it all into one useful document. Well done


Dina Barrett-Lennard

Muresk Institute


WBN helped us look at the processes in our business, what worked well and what needed attention. Then gave us some solid actions we could implement and linked us with contacts that could help streamline our systems. We highly recommend Wheatbelt Business Network.

Lisa McCreery

Chatfields Tree Nursery

Badgingarra Motors

We now have a better understanding of the processes and goals required to be more successful and we are currently in the process to implement the changes needed. I would not like to think about how different this scenario could have been if we weren’t to have the opportunity to utilise the WBN business solutions service.

Sharryn and Harry

Badgingarra Motors

Dowerin Engineering Works

Jason and I have utilised WBNs “Business Solutions” for almost a year now and have found it to be a positive and beneficial experience for our business. Amanda was able to take a “birds eye view” of our business and help us to focus on key elements and how we could improve them. We have really enjoyed our quarterly sessions and being able to utilise Amanda’s experience, knowledge and insights into running a small business in regional WA. We would recommend this service to any small business. I am grateful that we were able to access such a professional service in the Wheatbelt.

Jason and Ebony Gard

Dowerin Engineering Works